The PRC’s faculty, staff, students and alumni are featured authors on 10 of the 18 posters at this year’s Institute for Public Health 13th Annual Conference Poster Session! Check out all of the posters and a short video about each poster on the IPH conference page. Be sure to tune in on Wednesday, October 28 from 12-1pm CST for a virtual Q&A session.
- Associations of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviors With Child Mental Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Amanda Gilbert, MSW,MPH, Laurel Schmidt, BSSW, Alan Beck, PhD, CHES, Maura Kepper, PhD, Stephanie Mazzucca, PhD, Amy Eyler PhD, CHES
- Evaluation of Innovative Approaches to Prevent Diabetes and Manage Cardiovascular Disease: The Alliance Project. Julia Liu, MPH Candidate 2021; Maura M. Kepper, PhD; Ellen Barnidge, PhD; Katie Stamatakis , PhD; Amy Eyler, PhD
- Influence of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Condom Distribution and Clinic Sites Providing Sexual Health Services. Julia Liu, MPH Candidate‘21, Brown School, Tracy Liang, MPH; Anne Trolard, MPH; Dr. Hilary Reno
- Pre-Pregnancy Hypertension Is Associated With Use of Fertility Treatment Among Women in the US: Results From a Nationally-Representative Sample of Live Births in 2017. Clive Musonza, MD, MPH; Mackenzie Robinson, MPH; Kushtrim Salihu, MD
- Effect of Walking Trail on Rural Communities in Southeast Missouri. Fatemeh Naghiloo, Alan Beck, Dixie Duncan, Amanda Gilbert, Ross Brownson
- Juntxs se puede: A Relational Teamwork Approach Toward Enhanced Wellness. Sara Caldera Wimmer, Sara Johnson-Cardona, Jared Weatherholtz, Diana C. Parra, MPH, PhD.
- Implementation of Telehealth During a Novel Pandemic. Ramel, M., Malone, S., Bradley, C., Baumann, A., Tabak, R.
- Parent Perceptions of Barriers to Child Physical Activity During COVID-19 Stay-at-Home Period. Laurel Schmidt, BSSW, Stephanie Mazzucca, PhD, Maura Kepper, PhD, Amanda Gilbert, MPH, Alan Beck, PhD, CHES & Amy Eyler, PhD, CHES
- Social Determinants of Health Discussed During Personal Visits Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Rachel G. Tabak, PhD, RD, Cynthia D. Schwarz, MPH, MS, RD, Adriana Aramburu, MPH, Debra Haire-Joshu, PhD
- PREVENT : An Implementation of the Yelp Fusion Application Programming Interface (API). Estra S. Taner, MS, Randi Foraker, PhD, Simon Lara, Marcelo Lopetegui, MD, Maura Kepper, PhD