MT-DIRC: 2013-2018
Mentored Training for Dissemination and Implementation Research in Cancer (MT-DIRC) is a training program for cancer control researchers who are seeking to gain better training in the field of dissemination and implementations science research.
Developing Livable Cities
The purpose of the Developing Livable Cities project is to provide guidance on developing and creating livable cities by systematically surveying and mapping insights from researchers and practitioners across a number of relevant disciplines.
Cancer Control Dissemination among State Level Policymakers: 2007-2013
This project sought to reduce the burden of cancer by increasing adoption of state-of-the-art, evidence-based interventions to control cancer among policymakers.
TREC: Ameren Pilot: 2013-2014
Unhealthy lifestyle behaviors related to nutrition, energetics, energy balance, obesity, and physical activity are major contributors to cancer and other chronic conditions. Employers have a vested interest in these behaviors as providers of health insurance for over 160 million workers and their families. However, it is difficult to conduct worksite wellness research with adequate scientific rigor and to evaluate sustainability.
Open Streets: 2010-2013
With the Open Streets project we sought to measure the successes and challenges related to the St. Louis Open Streets and Ferguson (MO) Sunday Parkways .
MIYO (Make It Your Own): 2005-2014
MIYO (Make It Your Own) is an online tool that helps state and local public health agencies create effective information resources for the populations they serve.