Developing Livable Cities

The purpose of the Developing Livable Cities project is to provide guidance on developing and creating livable cities by systematically surveying and mapping insights from researchers and practitioners across a number of relevant disciplines.

Livable cities are socially inclusive, affordable, accessible, healthy, safe and resilient to the impacts of climate change. They have attractive built and natural environments. Livable cities provide choice and opportunity for all people regardless of their race, gender, socioeconomic status, and education to live their lives, improve and maintain their quality of life, and raise their families to their fullest potential.

Project Goals:

  • Identify deficiencies and areas of improvement
  • Identify gaps between research and practice
  • Recommend ideas to improve livability in the cities
  • Recommend ideas to create livable cities in the future

Implications for Research and Practice:

Livability is becoming an increasingly concept for understanding urban environments and their effects on health. However, little is known about what next steps are necessary for developing livable cities and whether current professionals are prepared to take those steps. This project will help create research and action agendas for ensuring livability in future development.

Project Contact:

Rodrigo Reis

Project Staff:

Ross Brownson, Amy Eyler, Grace Kyung, Linda Samuels, Samuel Yang

Project Partners:

Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts

Funding Source:

Prevention Research Center