PRC Core Research Project

The purpose is to develop and disseminate approaches that will increase the use of evidence-based policies to reduce obesity disparities and advance health equity, at the local-level.
Project Goals
- Describe factors influencing policy decision-making for health at the local-level in a sample of communities experiencing obesity disparities
- Identify the most important local-level policies for community health equity
- Assess different versions of a policy brief (text-based, risk framing, narrative, and risk framing + narrative) for translation of research about policies to address obesity among local policymakers
- Evaluate the impact of strategies (social network- and community-informed) on local policy processes for obesity prevention and health equity in a sample of communities
Implications for Research and Practice
This project will help to better define the local policy process, content, and outcomes, which are fundamental to use of effective policies and poorly understood.
Our project will impact the field by enhancing abilities to: (1) measure implementation of evidence-based policies, (2) understand communication and network drivers in the local policy process, and (3) accelerate the translation of effective policies to local public health policy and practice, thus promoting health equity.
Project Contact
Renee Parks,
Project Staff
Principal Investigator: Ross C. Brownson, PhD
Co-Investigators: Elizabeth Dodson, PhD, MPH; Amy Eyler, PhD; Debra Haire-Joshu, PhD; Alex Morshed, PhD, MS; Mary Politi, PhD; Rachel Tabak, PhD, RD; Ian Thomas, PhD; and Yan Yan, MD, PhD
Statistical Data Strategist: Rebekah Jacob, MPH, MSW
Research Manager: Renee Parks, MS
Project Partners
PRC Community Advisory Board
Funding Source
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): U48DP006395
Related Resources
Municipal officials’ perspectives on policymaking for addressing obesity and health equity
Parks, Renee G.; Thomas, Fanice; Morshed, Alexandra B.; Dodson, Elizabeth A.; Tian, Ruiyi; Politi, Mary C.; Eyler, Amy A.; Thomas, Ian; and Brownson, Ross C., “Qual Research: Municipal officials’ perspectives on policymaking for addressing obesity and health equity” (2023). Data and Supporting Files. Paper 5.
Perceived impact and feasibility of health equity policy actions among obesity practitioners, researchers, and policymakers
Brownson, Ross C.; Morshed, Alexandra B.; Madas, Valerie; Kang, Sarah J.; Thomas, Fanice; Tabak, Rachel G.; Thomas, Ian; Politi, Mary C.; Eyler, Amy A.; Haire-Joshu, Debra; Tsai, Edward; Parks, Renee G. (2024), “Supporting materials for “Perceived Impact and Feasibility of Health Equity Policy Actions among Obesity Practitioners, Researchers, and Policymakers””, Digital Commons Data@Becker, V1, doi: 10.17632/6z94cbyt2r.1
Brownson, Ross C.; Morshed, Alexandra B.; Madas, Valerie; Kang, Sarah J.; Thomas, Fanice; Tabak, Rachel G.; Thomas, Ian; Politi, Mary C.; Eyler, Amy A.; Haire-Joshu, Debra; Tsai, Edward; Parks, Renee G. (2024), “Dataset for “Perceived Impact and Feasibility of Health Equity Policy Actions among Obesity Practitioners, Researchers, and Policymakers””, Digital Commons Data@Becker, V1, doi: 10.17632/n8r43gf2dm.1
Testing policy brief versions among local policymakers across the U.S.

Survey (testing policy brief versions) reference guide – includes survey description and questionnaire
Municipal Officials’ Views on Policymaking for Community Health
- Infographic
- Local Organizations and Researchers Can Play Key Role as Intermediaries in Municipal Policymaking for Improving Community Health (blog post based on the Evidence & Policy article)
Key Local Policies to Address Obesity Disparities and Advance Community Health (infographic)
Two Policy Domains Where Local Governments Can Make a Difference (research brief with CivicPulse)
Testing Policy Briefs among Local Policymakers across the U.S.
- Local Policymakers Likely to Use Easy to Understand and Credible Health Policy Briefs with Local Data (infographic)
- Quality of Life Top Priority for Local Policymakers in Making Zoning Decisions (research brief with CivicPulse)
Community Health Through Policy Change webinars, recordings and resources:
- Public Health Policymaking, Part 1: Defining the Issue
- Public Health Policymaking, Part 2: Assessing Policy Actions
- Effective Policy Communication to Advance Community Health
- Panel on Building Relationships and Working with Local Officials
Parks RG, Thomas F, Morshed AB, Dodson EA, Tian R, Politi MC, Eyler AA, Thomas I, & Brownson RC (2023). Municipal officials’ perspectives on policymaking for addressing obesity and health equity. Evidence & Policy (published online ahead of print 2023).
Dodson EA, Parks RG, Jacob RR, An R, Eyler AA, Lee N, Morshed AB, Politi MC, Tabak RG, Yan Y, & Brownson RC (2024). Effectively communicating with local policymakers: a randomized trial of policy brief dissemination to address obesity. Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12.
Morshed AB, Madas V, Kang SJ, Thomas F, Tabak RG, Thomas I, Politi MC, Eyler AA, Haire-Joshu D, Dodson EA, Tsai E, Parks RP, Brownson RC (2024). Perceived impact and feasibility of health equity policy actions among obesity practitioners, researchers, and policymakers. Health Behavior and Policy Review. 2024 Apr 11:2. doi: