2024 Nutrition

PRC Faculty, Sarah Moreland Russell, part of CDTR team to evaluate a Medically Tailored Meals intervention

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The Washington University Center for Diabetes Translation Research (CDTR) awarded a Pilot & Feasibility grant to Dan Ferris for “From Translation to Transformation: Medically Tailored Meals and Food-is-Medicine Approaches for Reducing Health Disparities in Diabetes Management.” In partnership with Food Outreach, a local St. Louis organization, Ferris and colleagues Sarah Moreland-Russell and Stephen Roll will evaluate a comprehensive Medically Tailored Meals intervention that includes groceries and nutrition education on outcomes of adults with type 2 diabetes. The project aims to address the policy, cost-effectiveness, and implementation science gaps surrounding Medically Tailored Meals and similar types of community-based, healthcare system partnered nutrition programs.

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