Physical Activity Policy Research Network (PAPRN): 2004-2014

Project Dates: 2004-2014

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created the Physical Activity Policy Research Network (PAPRN) in October of 2004 to study the effectiveness of health policies related to increasing physical activity in communities.

The PAPRN was established as a thematic research network of the Prevention Research Centers (PRC) program with funding from the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity at CDC. The formally established network consists of one coordinating/member, PRC member centers, and CDC technical advisors, and affiliate university members.

Tools and Resources from PAPRN are also available here.

Project Goals

  • To identify policies that affect population physical activity, and the determinants of those policies.
  • To describe the process of implementing and the outcome of physical activity policies.
  • To disseminate findings on physical activity policies to researchers and practitioners.

Implications for Research and Practice

PAPRN conducts multi-site research projects that create generalizable results. We are dedicated to partnering with practitioner organizations to assist in disseminating our findings to influence physical activity practice at the state and local levels.

Project Contact

Amy Eyler, PhD:

Project Staff

Principal Investigator: Amy Eyler, PhD

Program Manager: Cheryl Valko, MPH, RD

Project Partners

Active Living Research; National Association of Chronic Disease Directors; The National Physcial Activity Society; Tulane University Prevention Research Center; University of Colorado, Denver/Rocky Mountain Prevention Research Center;University of Massachusetts/Worchester County Prevention Research Center; Harvard University Prevention Research Center

Funding Source

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cooperative agreement number: U48-DP001903

Related Resources



Eyler A, Chriqui J, Maddock J, Evenson K, et. Al. Opportunity meets planning; an analysis of state physical activity-related plans. J Phys Act Health. 2014 Jan;11(1):45-50.


Bornstein, Daniel B.; Carnoske, Cheryl; Tabak, Rachel; Maddock, Jay; Hooker, Steven P.; Evenson, Kelly R. Factors Related to Partner Involvement in Development of the US National Physical Activity Plan. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 19(3):S8-S16, May/June 2013.

Chriqui J, Eyler A, Carnoske C, Slater S. State and district policy influences on district-wide elementary and middle school physical education practices. 2013. J Pub Health Manag Pract. 19(3): S41-S48.

Cradock, A; Barrett, J.; Carnoske, C; Chriqui, J; Evenson, K; Gustat, J; Healy, I; Heinrich, K; Lemon, S; Tompkins O’Hara, N; Reed, H; Zieff, S. Roles and Strategies of State Organizations Related to School-Based Physical Education and Physical Activity Policies. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 19(3):S34-S40, May/June 2013.

Evenson K,  Brownson R, Satinsky S, Eyler A, Kohl HW III. The U.S. National Physical Activity Plan: Dissemination and use by public health practitioners. 2013. Am J Prev Med. 44(5):  431-438.

Eyler A, Brownson R, Schmid T. Making strides for active living: the policy research perspective. 2013. J Pub Health Manag Pract. 19(3): S5-S7. 2013 May/June 2013.

Goins KV, Schneider K, Brownson R, Carnoske C, Evenson K, Eyler A, Heinrich K, Litt J, Lyn R, Maddock J, Reed H, Tompkins NO, Lemon S. Municipal officials’ perceived barriers to consideration of physical activity in community design decision making. J Pub Health Manag Pract. 19(3): S65-S73.

Gustat J, Healy I, Reed H, Tabak R, Goins K, Bornstein D, Carnoske C, Eyler A. Lessons in Promoting Active Living: The Collaborative Perspective. 2013. J Pub Health Manag Pract. 19(3): S58-S64.

Kohl, Harold W. III; Satinsky, Sara B.; Whitfield, Geoffrey P.; Evenson, Kelly R. All Health Is Local: State and Local Planning for Physical Activity Promotion, Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 19(3):S17-S22, May/June 2013.

Lankford, T.; Hardman, D; Dankmeyer, C.; Schmid, T.: Analysis of State Obesity Legislation from 2001-2010. J Public Health Management Practice, 2013, 19(3) E-Supp, S114–S118.

Litt J, Reed H, Zieff S, Tabak R, Eyler A, Tompkins NO, Lyn R, Gustat J, Goins KV, Bornstein D. Advancing environmental and policy change through active living collaboratives: Compositional and stakeholder engagement correlates of group effectiveness. 2013. J Pub Health Manag Pract. 19(3): S49-57.

Litt J, Zieff S, Goins K, Gustat J, Tabak R, Tompkins N, Lyn R, Eyler A. Active Living Collaboratives in the United States: Understanding Characteristics, Activities, and Achievement of Environment. 2013. Prev Chronic Dis. 10 E19.

Lyn R, Aytur S, Davis T, Eyler A, Evenson K, Chriqui J, Cradock A, Goins KV, Litt J, Brownson RC. Policy, systems and environmental change for obesity prevention: An advocacy framework to inform local and state action. 2013. J Pub Health Manag Pract. 19(3): S23-S33.

Schneider, Julia Pekarsky; Pestronk, Robert M.; Jarris, Paul E. Ramping Up Policy Measures in the Area of Physical Activity. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 19(3):S1-S4, May/June 2013.


Eyler A, Swaller E. Community Use Policies in Missouri.  J School Health. 2012. 82(4):175-9.


Eyler A. Promoting physical activity through policy.  Research Digest: A publication of the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sport. Sept. 2011.


Eyler A, Brownson R, Aytur S, Cradock A, Doescher M, Evenson K, Kerr J, Maddock J, Pluto D, Steinman L, Tompkins N, Troped P, Schmid, T. Examination of trends and evidence-based elements in state physical education legislation:  A content analysis. J School Health. 2010. 80(7): 326-32.

Eyler A, Lankford T, Kruger J, Chriqui J, Evenson K, Ohara-Tompkins N, Voorhees C, Zeiff S, Brownson R. An Analysis of state legislation on community trails. J Physical Activity Health.2010. 7 Suppl 1: S40-S47.

Steinman L, Doescher M, Levinger D, Perry C, Carter L, Eyler A, Aytur S, Cradock AL, Evenson KR, Heinrich K, Kerr J, Litt J, Severcan Y, Voorhees C. Master plans for pedestrian and bicycle transportation: community characteristics. J Physical Activity Health.2010 Mar;7 Suppl 1:S60-6.

Evenson K, Wen F, Heinrich K, Eyler A. National Study of Changes in Prevalence and Community Access to School Physical Activity Facilities:  The School Health Policies and Programs. J Physical Activity Health. 2010 Mar;7 Suppl 1:S20-30.

Eyler A, Brownson R, Schmid T. Understanding Policies and Physical Activity: Frontiers of Knowledge to Improve Population Health. J Physical Activity Health. 2010. 7. Suppl. 1: S9-S12.

Miller, L. Expanding Physical Activity Options for Youth Through State Legislation, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2010, 7(Suppl 1), S1-S2

Manchin, J. State-Level Action for Health, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2010, 7(Suppl 1), S3

Newsome, G. City-Level Shape-Up, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2010, 7(Suppl 1), S4

Hindman, D. Local-Level Policy Can Have an Important Effect on Healthy Lifestyles, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2010, 7(Suppl 1), S5-S6

Newkirk, J. The NSPAPPH: Answering the Call, Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2010, 7(Suppl 1), S7-S8


Eyler A, Baldwin J, Carnoske C, Nickelson J, Troped P, Steinman L, Pluto D, Litt J, Evenson K, Terpstra J, Brownson R, Schmid T. Parental Perception of and Participation in Active Transport to School Initiatives: A Multi-Site Case Study. Am J Health Educ. 2008 39(3): 80-9.

Brownson R, Kelly C, Eyler A, Carnoske C, Grost L, Handy S, Maddock J, Pluto D, Ritacco B, Sallis J, Schmid T. Environmental and Policy Approaches for Promoting Physical Activity in the United States: A Research Agenda. J Physical Activity Health. 2008, 5: 488-503.

Eyler A, Brownson R, Evenson K, Levinger D, Maddock J, Pluto D, Troped P, Schmid T, Carnoske C, Richards K, and Steinman L. The power of policy in the development of community trails. J Health Politics Policy Law 2008. 33(3):407-427.


Eyler A, Brownson R, Doesher M, Evenson K, Litt J, Pluto D, Steinman L, Terpstra J, Troped P, and Schmid T. Policies related to active transport to and from school: A multi-site case study. Health Educ Researc 2007 Oct 22.

Eyler A, Brownson R, Evenson K, Levinger D, Maddock J, Pluto D, and Troped P. Developing community trails: brainstorms and the power of policy. Planning Magazine 2007:A12.



Development of toolkits to promote physical activity: Collaboration of research and practice. Valko, C., Manteiga, A., Eyler, A. Active Living Research, San Diego, CA. March, 2013. (Poster)


A national examination of support for local physical activity policies and characteristics of neighborhood environments by county health status. Gustat, J., Hu, T., Carnoske, C., Litt, J., Goins, K., Tabak, R., O’Malley, K., Eyler, A.  Active Living Research Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 28, 2013.

Transportation and urban planning: Involvement in state planning for PA. Eyler, A., Chriqui J, Maddock J, Carnoske C. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, November 6, 2013.

Whose responsibility is it anyway? An examination of municipal officials’ perceptions of their roles in addressing climate change. Maddock, J., Goins K, Schneider K, Brownson R, Heinrich K, Lemon S. American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, November 6, 2013.

All policy is local: Public health professionals’ experience with shaping the built environment. Lemon, S., Goins K, Schneider K, Brownson R, Evenson K, Eyler A, Heinrich K, Litt J, Lyn R, O’Hara Tompkins N, Maddock J.  American Public Health Association, Boston, MA, November 6, 2013.

Factors Related to Partner Involvement in Development of the U.S. National Physical Activity Plan. Bornstein, D., Carnoske C, Evenson K, Hooker S, Eyler, A. South East American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Greenville, SC, February 13, 2013.

Development of toolkits to promote physical activity: Collaboration of research and practice. Valko, C., Manteiga, A., Eyler, A.Active Living Research, San Diego, CA. March, 2013.


Promoting policy and environmental change for obesity prevention: A framework to inform public health practice at the local and state levels. Lyn, R., Davis, T., Aytur, S., Carnoske, C.A., Chriqui, J.F., Evenson, K.R., Eyler, A.A., Goins, K., Litt, J.S., Schmid, T.L., Brownson, RC.  Invited Scientific Session, American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, October 29, 2012.

Roles and strategies of state organizations related to school-based physical education and physical activity policies. Cradock, A., Barrett, J., Belansky, E., Evenson, K., Eyler, A., Gustat, J., Heinrich, K., Lemon, S., O’Hara Tompkins, N., Reed, H., Zieff, S. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, October 29, 2012.

Anatomy of active living collaboratives: Results from the Coalitions and Networks for Active Living (CANAL) study. Litt, L., Reed, H.,Tabak, R., Zieff, S., Eyler, A., Lyn, R., Goins, K., Gustat, J., and O’Hara-Tompkins, N. Invited Scientific Session, American Public Health Association, San Francisco, CA, October 29, 2012.

LiveWell Colorado Quarterly Coordinators Meeting, Community Training on Collaborative Building Processes and Stakeholder Engagement. Litt, J and Reed, H. Loews Hotel, Denver, Colorado, October 25, 2012

Linking Collaborative Structures and Processes with Collaborative Effectiveness: Findings from the Coalitions and Networks for Active Living (CANAL) Study. Litt, J.S., Reed, H., Zieff, S., Tabak, R., Eyler, A., et al., International Society for Behavior Nutrition and Physical Activity, Austin, TX. May 23-25, 2012

Is there public support for physical activity policies in the US? Eyler, A. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 2012.

Moderator of invited session: Framing community and school based environmental approaches to achieve active living. Eyler, A. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. 2012

Applied Research Relevant to Building the Evidence Base for Obesity Prevention. Eyler, A. Weight of the Nation, Washington D.C.  2012

Measuring Progress of the U.S. National physical activity policy: Assessment of Implementation Teams. Bornstein, D., Evenson, K., Satinsky, S., Eyler, A., Brownson, R., Pate, R. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine 59th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 29, 2012.


Principles of Physical Activity Policy. Eyler, A. Physical Activity and Public Health Course, Sea Pines, SC. 2011

Driving a response: Physical Activity Policy. Eyler, A. Center TRT Obesity Prevention Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. 2011

Making PE Legislation work in your state: Lessons learned from PAPRN PE Legislation Analysis. Eyler, A.  National Society for Physical Activity Practitioners in Public Health Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT. 2011

How Can Physical Activity Policy Make A Difference: The Big Picture. Eyler, A. NSTPHND and NSPAPPH joint annual meeting. Salt Lake City, UT. 2011

National and State Policy Strategies to promote physical activity. Eyler, A. American College of Sports Medicine International Conference. Denver, CO. 2011

Physical Activity Policy Research Network. Measurement strategies for Accelerating Progress in Obesity Prevention. Eyler, A.  Institutes of Medicine workshop.  Los Angeles, CA. 2011

Opportunity Meets Planning: An Assessment of State Plans to Increase Physical Activity. (poster). Eyler, A. and Chriqui, J. Active Living Research Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA. 2011

State obesity plans: synthesis of partners and strategies to promote active living. Hooker, S., Chriqui, J., Eyler, A., Maddock, J., Schmid, T. Presented at the American Public Health Association annual meeting, Washington, DC, 2011.

Linking Collaborative Structures and Processes with Collaborative Effectiveness: Findings from the coalitions and networks for active living (CANAL) Study. Litt, J., Reed, H., Tabak, R., Zieff, S., Eyler, A., Lyn, R., Valentine Goins, K., Gustat, J., O’Hara-Tompkins, N.International society for behavioral nutrition and PA, Austin, TX. 2011.


Physical Activity Policy Research Network: Gaps and Opportunities for Physical Activity Policy Research. Eyler, A. Canadian Cancer Control and Prevention Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2009

Is Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Planning a Chronic Disease Strategy? Eyler, A., Cradock, A., Voorhees, C., Levinger, D. Chronic Disease Conference, National Harbor, MD. 2009

A needs assessment of PA and obesity state practitioners. Eyler, A. The weight of the nation, Washington DC, July 27, 2009.

Exploring the Role of Policy in the Development of Community Trails: A Multi-Site Case Study. Eyler, A.  Active Living Research, Coronado, CA, February 18, 2009.


How common is evidence-based state physical education legislation? Eyler, A. Prevention Research Centers Meeting, Atlanta, GA. 2008

Community design and personal physical activity. Rodriguez, D. Presentation at the annual American College of Sports Medicine Conference, Indianapolis, IN, May 28, 2008

Implementation of Healthy Active Children Policy in NC. Evenson, K. School Obesity Prevention Roundtable hosted by Prevention Partners. Chapel Hill, NC, 2008


Exploring the Role of Policy in the Development of Community Trails: A Multi-Site Case Study. Eyler, A. Active Living Research, Coronado, CA. 2007

Physical Activity Policy Research Network. Levinger, D. Transportation Board Conference. Washington,DC. 2007

Defining a Physical Activity Policy and Environmental Research Agenda: Obtaining the Perspectives of Practitioners and Researchers. Kelly, C.  Presentation at the Concept Mapping in-person meeting. San Diego, CA. 2007.


Emerging Transdisciplinary Research in Physical Activity Policy. Pratt, M., Eyler, A., Troped, P. International Conference of the American College of Sports Medicine, Denver, CO. 2006

Emerging Transdisciplinary Research in Physical Activity Policy. Schmid, T, Eyler, A., Doescher, M., Pluto, D,. International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health. Atlanta, GA. 2006

Policies Influencing Active Transport to and From School: A multi-site case study. Eyler, A. Active Living Research Conference, Coronado, CA. 2006

Physical Activity Policy Research Network. Levinger, D.Transportation Board Conference. Washington, DC. 2006

A multi-site case study of policy processes leading to trail development. Evenson, K. Rationale and methods. American College of Sports Medicine. Denver, CO


Translating Active Living Research Into Practice. Evenson, K. Active Living By Design Grantee Conference, Chapel Hill, NC. 2005

Physical Activity Policy. Pluto, D. Presented at : Public Health Law Conference, Atlanta GA. 2005

Physical Activity Policy Research Network. Levinger, D.Washington Road Safety Conference, Seattle, WA. 2005

Physical Activity Policy Research Network. Levinger, D.Washington Coalition for Promoting Physical Activity, Seattle, WA. 2005


Active Transport to School

Researchers studied nine elementary school walking and cycling programs, also known as active transport (ATS) initiatives. Two different aspects of policy influence were found: policy actions and policy influences.

Municipal Officials’ Perceived Barriers to Consideration of Physical Activity in Community Design Decision Making

Public health authorities recommend policies affecting the built environment as sustainable approaches for promoting physical activity. Understanding barriers to consideration of physical activity that municipal officials report can help target policy change efforts.

Factors Related to Partner Involvement in the Development of the U.S. National Physical Activity Plan

Coalitions are forming to meet the demands associated with policy, systems, and environmental change necessary to increase population levels of physical activity. Factors related to why an organization commits to a coalition may help explain coalition success or failure.

Roles and Strategies of State Organizations Related to School-based Physical Education and Physical Activity Policies

Cardiorespiratory fitness, which has been associated with academic performance during childhood and adolescence, can be a benefit of school physical education (PE) programs. This brief explores the roles and strategies of state organizations.

Lessons in Promoting Active Living: The Collaborative Perspective

Collaborative groups are integral in health promotion and disease prevention and use varied approaches to address complex health conditions within community settings. This brief explores collaborative efforts to promote active living.

Diffusion of Complete Streets Policies across the U.S. Communities

Complete Streets policies guide planning in communities by making the transportation system accommodating to all users—cars, pedestrians, bicyclists and those using public transportation. This brief explores which factors affect Complete Streets policy adoption.


Physical Activity Plan Toolkit and Template: A Guide to Creating a Physical Activity Plan for Your Community.

This extensive guide is divided up into two documents and provides users with a six step process to developing a physical activity plan. The Toolkit outlines the steps and includes summaries of existing tools and links to resources to help with each step. The Template gives users a fill-in-the-blank document in Microsoft Word to be edited and tailored for the targeted community or state.

Other Tools

Policy Maker Survey

Active Transport to School Interview Guide

State PE Legislation Coding Tool

Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans Coding Tool