Over the years, the EBPH course has been evaluated extensively. Below we provide a few highlights. 


Participants of each course complete a pre-course survey which assesses their baseline competency in EBPH competencies addressed in the course as course objectives (on a 5-point Likert scale 1- Strongly disagree to 5- Strongly agree). These competencies are then reassessed at the completion of the course. Data consistently shows significant skill gains. Below is a figure showing pre- and post-training data from 241 participants from our scale-up project, which was a collaboration between Prevention Research Centers, State Health Departments, and Public Health Training Centers to deliver the EBPH course in four states in the US.  

Use of course materials 

Course participants are contacted six months post to assess longer-term outcomes. Below is an example from a 2023 report featuring N=189 course participants’ 6-mo data from nine courses between 2019-2022. 

In addition, we assess challenges our participants are facing to implement new tools and resources learned from the course. These findings highlight some gaps that could be addressed through organizational capacity building. 

Top benefits 

Giving participants time to put into practice what they learned at the course gives unique perspective on what pieces were most helpful. Below is an example from the same 6-mo report where participants rated usefulness. 

Click here if you would like to dive deeper into the published evaluation findings. 

Testimonials from Participants

“My University during my rectorship was a pioneer in developing public health training as early as 1994, especially focusing on new public health concepts. It was of utmost importance to us to be in touch with the PRC-StL and the World Health Organisation in developing our national teaching programmes with very strict requirement on evidence based public health science and practice. Through those years, more than 30 young generation teachers and practitioners underwent training in the international EBPH course part of whom are continuing their involvement in teaching activities either at the University or practicing at national, regional or municipal levels thus contributing to health policy implementation nation-wide.”

Vilius Grabauskas, MD, Dr.Sc.

Professor and Chancellor, Medical Academy Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Kaunas, Lithuania

“To us, the public health work force of the European CINDI network and the regional health professionals, the course offers a broad, science-based approach to prevention and public health in general. The principles of evidence based thinking and planning are taught in a well structured, modular way and the course provides great benefits to participants with all levels of professional qualification. Moreover, the faculty’s way of teaching and working with the group offers great occasions to interact and network with lecturers and the other participants.”

Günter Diem, MD, MPH

President, Vorarlberg Public Health Society

“The Washington University Evidence-Based Public Health Training was exceptional! It was of great value for all our staff who attended. Both those of us who have been in our careers for over 25 years and those who are newer in their careers benefited from the guidance and tools provided. Staff have already shared how they have applied what was learned to improve their approach in framing policy position papers, completing grant applications, and building relationships internally and external to the department of health. Thank you!”

Nancy Sutton, MS, RD

Chronic Disease Director, Rhode Island Department of Health

“The EBPH course is not only a place where you get upskilled in addressing vast challenges in the chronic disease arena, but also a platform where you learn to appreciate perspectives from a diverse team of experts in public health. The course enabled me to better understand the importance of leveraging partnerships and resources in a framework that will then lead to long-term positive outcomes. I want to thank the EBPH team for equipping me to improve my work to better serve my people in the big ocean state/country of Micronesia. I highly recommend this course to others in the field.”

X-ner Luther

Non-Communicable Diseases Section Chief, Federated States of Micronesia Department of Health and Social Affairs.