Cross-Country Comparison of Evidence-Based Prev. of Cancer: 2014-2016

Project Dates: 2014-2016
Cancer and other chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease, stroke) account for the majority of premature death, reductions in quality of life, and economic costs. The burden due to these diseases is preventable through the application of the practice of evidence-based cancer prevention (EBCP).
To achieve success on preventing cancer through EBCP, public health practitioners and policy-makers need evidence-based information. However, little is currently known about how contextual differences might affect the transfer and translation of evidence-based interventions within and across countries.
To advance dissemination science, our project is an R21 methods study that will add to the literature on EBCP in four countries (the United States, Australia, Brazil, and China) and set the stage for a larger (R01) dissemination study. We will organize activities around two aims.
- Specific Aim 1: Understand contextual similarities and differences (i.e., factors at the individual, agency, community, sociocultural, and political/economic levels) in implementing EBCDP in the United States, Australia, Brazil and China, using primarily qualitative methods.
- Specific Aim 2: Develop and test self-reported and objective approaches for measuring EBCDP in the United States, Australia, Brazil and China, using primarily quantitative methods.
Results of this project will be disseminated widely to researchers, practitioners, and policy makers. This research is innovative by working in real world settings, developing new dissemination measures, and conducting the first cross-country study of its kind. Findings from the proposed study will form the foundation of a larger, cross-country study. This future project would examine the impact of various dissemination strategies (e.g., workshops, technical assistance) that will be identified in the proposed study.
Project Goals
- To understand contextual similarities and differences in EBCDP in the United States, Australia, Brazil and China.
Implications for Research and Practice
This project is relevant to public health because it addresses factors affecting the implementation of evidence-based practices that can result in population-level reductions in premature cancer morbidity and mortality. Sparse knowledge exists regarding effective approaches for cross-country dissemination of research-tested interventions among real world public health audiences.
Project Contact
Rodrigo Reis:
Project Staff
- Principal Investigator: Ross C.Brownson, PhD1
- Project Coordinator: Elizabeth Budd, MPH, DoctoralCandidate1
- Co-Investigators: Rebecca Armstrong, PhD, MPH2; Long Sum Tabitha Mui, MSW3; Tahna Pettman, PhD2; Rodrigo S Reis, PhD4; Pauline Sung-Chan, PhD3; Zhaoxin Wang, PhD5
- Graduate Research Assistants: Leonardo Becker, BS4, Anna J DeRuyter, BA1; Karishma Furtado, MPH1, Xiangji Ying, BS1.
- Other Research Assistants: Tahnee Saunders, MBiotech2; Jianwei Shi, PhD5
(1)Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, (2)University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, (3)The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom Kowloon, China, (4)Pontifica Universidade Catolica do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil, (5)Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Project Partners
- University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity, Hung Hom Kowloon, China
- Pontifica Universidade Catolica do Parana,Curitiba, Brazil
- Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Funding Source
National Cancer Institute: 1R21CA179932-01A1
Related Resources
Furtado, KS, et al. Exploring Political and Sociocultural Influences on Evidence-Based Chronic Disease Prevention across Four Countries. American Public Health Association 2016 Annual Conference, November 2, 2016, Denver, Colorado. Presented by: Anna J. deRuyter.
Ying, X, et al. Understanding the Context for Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence-Based Cancer Prevention across Four Countries. Siteman Conference 2016, September 30, 2016, St. Louis, Missouri. Presented by: Xiangji Ying and Anna J. deRuyter.